Saturday, August 30, 2014

Our Mary's Beatles and their Idols.

Our Mary's Beatles and their Idols
Our Paul always emulating his idols...
Mary dies  31st of October 1956
Sir Paul at the beach with an Elvis Haircut in 1957
playing his Elvis songs for the Danher/Robbins
but also emulating and idolising
Buddy Holly, Crickets, Little Richie, etc....
2016, October 31st, the 60th Anniversary of the real and genuine start of the Beatles
Mary's Beatles.


  1. I believe paul died in a tragic car accident 1966. Research shows with pictures he was replaced by look alike a very long time ago. Does he have a twin brother? Not Michael McGregor, mcgear isn't a brother. Do you know who he is? The entire story makes me disturbed. I'm sorry if you think the imposter is your paul. God Bless you all. DAYNE
