Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

it's 2016, The Year of the Irish
April 2016, the 100th Anniversary of the Start of the Irish Rebellion and Independence from Britain.
All of 2016 including the time from September 2015 for 1 whole year is the 150th Anniversary of the real beginning of The Beatles with John and Jane Danher's coupling and wedding in Stockton Co Durham England , the grandparents of Mary McCartney.
June 2016 the 150th Anniversary of uncle to Sir Paul , John Walter Danher's birth the Meter Inventor.
October 2016, the 60th Anniversary of Mary Mohin McCartney's death, the real and true reason and story of the Beatles... no invention , no bought story, no fabrication, the Real and True story of the Beatles.
Danhers + Mary McCartney = Sir Paul + John Lennon = Beatles.
Thank you to all for her who lite a light for her all these years , it has never been forgottened and will always be remembered...