Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mary's Beatles....

Mary's Beatles
In the Danhers, we have a saying, 'The Mary's Beatles' because to us, all of us Danhers, the only reason that whole event in history ever happened was because of the absence of Mary, it is really to us, all about Mary and untimely death in 1956, Oct 31st and how a mother did not have her son anymore and her son did not have his mother from that day onwards. His life bounced off her untimely death and he regressed and obsessed into his own little world, no thanks to the McCartney side, as their Aunties took control for awhile as Jim McCartney mourned. Though what is worse is when the father was taken for a mug from 1956 to 1963, because 2 wayward La's had their way and Danhers know they were not controlled, especially in the same way like if our Mary was still sad but also real as the Beatles would not be then right... that's ok during that time before the Beatles, we gained 3 more Danhers that we did not even know about...what can we say about that really, and 2 sons go on as if her living relatives and theirs don't matter in the wide scheme of things. The best thing that her 2 sons could do to honour her, Mary Patricia Mohin McCartney, was with a recent exhibition on her about their life leading up to the Beatles and during and afterwards labelled and spoken about 'Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll'.... really, only that...amazing.. well it does give credence to a few things that Sir Paul and brother Mike , our cousins were loose and wayward from 1956 to 1963 and now we have more cousins to prove it. They shouldn't of Alienated their Danhers for so long because it could of come out to a better result for them.. Ah well..for them,  Ahhhhh Happy Families Eh!  

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