Thursday, April 14, 2016

The 75th Wedding Anniversary of the McCartneys

On this day 14th of April 1941, 75 years ago today the power couple who brought about the Beatles married in St. Swithins Roman Catholic Church in Gill Moss Liverpool England and 14 years onwards immediately on the rebound of Mary's  death on the 31st of October 1956, this premiere and founding Death Event promulgated the beginnings of the Beatles Era.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled across your Blog. You seem to have a few facts seriously wrong. George Harrison DID NOT introduce McCartney to John Lennon at the church fete in Woolton - It was their mutual friend, Ivan Vaughan who did. He lived on Vale Rd which was the road behind Menlove, where John lived - and he was at school with Paul. I live in Woolton in Liverpool and my mum, who was also a mid-wife, worked with Mary McCartney

    I'm concerned too because besides all the other incorrect 'facts' - you have misspelled a lot of words and you seem to be very angry.

    Macca - as we know him here in Liverpool - is admired for being an outstanding musician - but let me tell you - We know only too well what a tight arsed git he is, notorious! Sure he gives tons of money to charity, which no-one ever gets to hear about - but it's all for tax relief purposes. We're not daft - everybody knows what he's like - but we see past all that stuff cos of all that he and his bandmates achieved. We're not even angry with him. When we see him makin' a bit of a tit of himself, we just roll our eyes a bit, and say "Kinel, Macca - what a div." Then we just forget it. That's Love - and that's all you need.
