Do remember this 17th of April Sir Paul when you and your lot gather at the site of Linda's marked gravesite, the great opportunity your family will have remembering and paying respect to the dead mom and gran, something you robbed every innocent, gracious, honourable, good Christian folk called the Danhers for the last 3 generations who all came from far and wide, around the world to pay respects to their 2 Mary's and Owen and Cousins in that unmarked grave in Liverpool, you just don't ever forget the robbed time all those hurtful relatives whom I met and heard their distain and shame they had for you because why? they could not find Mary's grave, unmarked til this day and who also could only get their the once unlike you who can get to Arizona every year, you just never forget what you took away from them, who are all now lying in their graves, see that's why they had issue with you, especially Father Danher,,, you put it down to grave vigil by Beatle wannabes and groupies, but that's not true...you still avenge her and us, I am right aren't I? you avenged her, us, fr. Danher, it, everyone and everything about our Mary, didn't you , you avenge the whole way along, and Grammy night was just a facade, something to hide behind, you the great avenger, there should be a movie about you...our good and sincere relatives did not deserve to be walked and trampled all over like this just because you thought you can...shame on you!_!_!!
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