Thursday, September 25, 2014

John and Jane Danher 149th Anniversary

Happy 149th Wedding Anniversary to John and Jane Danher who were married on this day 25th of September 1865 in Stockton Middlesbrough Co. Durham United Kingdom, the grandparents to the Metermaker Inventor and great grandparents to Sir Paul McCartney. Danhers will be celebrating 150th of their wedding next year in 2015, this is the family that gave the world their meters and their Beatles... Sir Paul 's grandmother, John and Jane's daughter Mary Theresa Danher died an early death soon after giving birth to her last child, and leaving Sir Paul's mom motherless and with a new stepmother Ruth, who she detested, moved to Liverpool and met James McCartney, married had 2 sons Paul and Mike. Then, Mary Patricia would die an early death too, from complications of Breast Cancer, leaving a 12 and 14 year old motherless in 1956, Oct 31st. It was this pivotal time up until 1963 and beyond that manifested and precipitated the becoming of the Beatles, a Danher 100% real genuine and actual fact of World History as the Danhers sure know all too well, eh Paul. Let him tell you all about that folks, if he tells you any other unnecessary or untrue version of chrono events of the times of the Beatles, then he is feeding you a line or two or three. However Danhers don't have to define ourselves only by him, especially not, and especially of that time before , during and after with just Sir Paul, we have lots of folks in our Clan that our more worthy of being counted, highly regarded by all, namely my great granddad, uncle to Sir Paul the Gasmeter/Metermaker inventor... patents in Canada and USA and UK of my John Walter Danher(Danaher) , my great granddad, he was a great man. Everyone talked about him. Somehow I don't really get that same scenario with a certain other person amongst the Danhers, ah well... next year is our year in 2015 and in 2016 it is Mary's year , Sir Paul's mother because she really is the one and only reason the Beatles came about in the first place and it will be her 60th Anniversary of her Death, and that same year will be my great granddad's 150th Anniversary of his birth , the Man that invented the Meter. Are there going to be celebrations? well one would have to ask parsimonious Sir Paul about that!! Happy Anniversary John and Jane

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Con-ditional Man

Hey Conditional Man... your eldest born april 5 1961 and counting...
these are who I really feel very sorry for and they have been written out of history... money and fame eh Paul... what it buys you to lie, so go on keep going on with the ...lies and you will learn that you cannot ever ever rewrite world history and sherk your responsibilities to the real people in your life. You have slapped all our faces and fully insulted us all, except your pets and puppets and your celebrity friends. Go on Paul Go on, Go on loving it.